The Ultimate Guide To Textured Hair Care

Nothing about the beauty world is one-size-fits-all. But if there’s something that’s really super, definitely not one-size-fits-all, no matter how difficult you try, it’s haircare. So today we’re rolling out some simple and effective ways of natural hair care for curly hair

Cleanse, But don’t Strip

Moisture may be the key, but you still have to wash your scalp and hair, a step that can be drying at best and damaging at worst. So, how to cleanse without losing all that vital moisture? Conditioner -washing! Add this into your shower routine every two washes as if it were shampoo—massage your scalp and rinse just as you would otherwise.

Detangle Without Crying

Anyone with coily hair can tell you: Combing can be very harmful. One moment you’re showering, and the next, you’re stuck on a knot in the back of your head with all your dignity rinsing down the drain. Don’t cry in the shower! 

Deep Condition Consistently

Moisture! Moisture moisture moisture. Textured hair tends to be so dry because the scalp’s natural oils have difficulty making it down all the hair shaft’s twists and turns. So, weekly, bi-weekly, or as frequently as you can, slather on a vast and rich treatment filled with moisturizing oils, coconut, and extracts like shea butter is essential for curly hair scalp care.

Style for Longevity

One of the best things about afro hair is that it doesn’t need to be restyled daily. Make the most of this by choosing a style that works for you, protects your hair, and is easy to maintain all week. The styles are endless (wash-and-go’s, braids, and twist-outs!), but the method used when styling is more important than the style itself. 

Preserve It All Week Long

You’ve spent all that time—now what? That style’s gotta last for several hours. I suggest “the pineapple”—a popular method which includes tying all of your hair up into a loose ponytail that sits as close to your forehead as possible. If the pineapple pulls out the curls at the nape of your neck, try a low loose bun, multiple pineapples, or lightly 2-strand twisting your hair in large sections. 

8 Top Notch Advantages of Buying Corner Sofa Beds from Legit Online Storez

Do you need a new bed for your family but don’t have the space to store a bulky, awkward, and heavy piece of furniture? Buying a sofa bed is a great solution. If you want to buy one online, then certain benefits come with this option. We will discuss some of those popular advantages below that will benefit you in the future.

Doorstep Delivery:

Buying a sofa bed online will give you the convenience of doorstep delivery. The online retailer will deliver the product at your doorsteps which is extremely convenient. If you urgently need a new bed for your home, then buying from an online store will be very beneficial as you don’t have to worry about wasting time and transportation costs.

Full-Size Sleeper:

Sofa beds on legitimate websites are reasonably priced and offer full-size sleeping space. Modern-day sofa beds are very comfortable for common uses such as sitting, sleeping and relaxing. In addition, they come in different designs to match your bedroom’s decor.

Small Corner Sofas:

Buying a small corner sofa for your home is not an easy task. Because most of the sofas available in stores are bulky and require ample space, it becomes hard for you to find the right product for your home. However, if you buy a corner sofa bed from an online store, you can find the perfect match for your home.

Great Discounts:

Many online retailers offer great discount deals and special offers on their products. So, for example, if you are planning to purchase a corner sofa bed at such places, you can get a great discount on these products during special sale periods or Christmas when people don’t mind spending money on premium furniture items.

Shipping Cost:

When you buy a sofa bed online, you have the convenience of a free shipping facility, meaning you only have to pay for the sofa bed and not pay anything extra for delivery. In addition, many online retailers offer free shipping on their products, especially during sale periods or on special occasions.

Style And Color:

Buying small corner sofas online gives you the luxury of choosing from numerous styles, colors, and designs. The best thing about buying such furniture items online is that these shops have a wide range of products available that cater to almost every taste, style, and preference.

Extended Return Policy:

Many online furniture shops give you a longer return period than conventional stores. For example, if you buy a sofa bed from an online shop, then they usually offer a 30-day return period, while buying it from the local store, you will get 10 or 15 days to decide whether or not it is right for your home or not. So if you don’t like the product, you can easily return it to the online store and get your associated money back.

Affordable Price:

Buying small corner sofas on legitimate websites is cheaper than buying them from conventional stores because these online shops do not have any additional costs such as rent and lease on the shop space.

Amazing Health Benefits of Using Rick Simpson Oil

If you are skeptical, you should try it out for yourself. Many people have used the Rick Simpson oil to cure their cancers, and a lot of anecdotal evidence suggests that this is one of the most powerful natural remedies for many illnesses, including Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis. The people who cured themselves with cannabis oil have also shown significant improvement in their symptoms related to cancer, resulting from high THC levels in marijuana that promote appetite by activating pathways associated with the early stages of tumor development. Apart from this, there are several perks of accessing RSO, and some of them are described below.

Treats Inflammation:

One of the promising uses of RSO is to treat chronic pain and swelling associated with inflammatory disorders. In addition, the anti-inflammatory effects of this oil have been successfully tested on rats, which suggest that it may be useful for humans as well.

It’s A Good Analgesic:

Studies show that when people Buy Rick Simpson Oil California they may reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis by influencing the signals in the brain and central nervous system. CBD has similar benefits for inflammatory diseases like ulcerative colitis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Good For Epilepsy:

Studies have also shown that cannabis can help reduce the frequency of seizures and even stop them completely. This quality of cannabidiol (CBD) is particularly useful when treating children who have epilepsy.

Helps With Nausea And Vomiting:

Studies have shown that Rick Simpson Oil might be a good remedy for nausea, especially those induced by chemotherapy or overeating, as it reduces the stomach contractions and relaxes the throat muscles, thus reducing or stopping the vomiting reflex.

Reduces Cancer-Related Symptoms:

The THC component in marijuana can cure cancer cannabis symptoms like loss of appetite, weight loss, or pain due to cancer in some patients. In addition, a study published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology showed that extracts of cannabidiol (CBD), especially the non-psychoactive compound cannabigerol (CBG), had shown more promise than THC against cancer cells, which may have a profound effect on cancer treatment.

 It Can Be Used As A Blood Thinner:

RSO has also been known to cure an early-stage symptom of arthritis and other chronic joint problems that include tenderness, swelling, stiffness, and aches. This is particularly useful for residents in states where medicinal marijuana is legal and so you can Buy Rick Simpson Oil.

Increases Appetite:

RSO is known to reduce symptoms of anorexia, including hunger and nausea. The THC component of RSO might work by triggering CB-1 receptors, which are concentrated in the brain, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to reduced appetite and enhanced food intake, as many patients have experienced increased appetite with RSO use.

Can Treat Multiple Sclerosis In Some Patients:

Transplanted human neural stem cells injected into the brains of mice that suffer from multiple sclerosis showed significant improvement after being incubated with drugs such as cannabidiol (CBD).

Final Words

You can easily get this oil which has also been shown to be beneficial for certain conditions. Those who want to have these health benefits must give a try to the product.

7 Key Reasons Why Literature Is So Important

“Literature” is broad, but most people describe it as writing with lasting artistic, cultural, and intellectual significance. Literature includes ancient Greek plays, James Baldwin’s essays, Shakespeare’s soliloquies, and Charlotte Bronte’s novels. This kind of writing deals with complex ideas and issues, encouraging readers to entertain new forms of thinking. There are numerous reasons one should strive to read literature. Some of the reasons are; the provision of pleasure, information, a building of experience, provoking of thought, entertainment, or even imparting feelings of empathy besides the power to infer other peoples’ opinions. There are, thus, many benefits of reading literature, as illustrated below.

Literature is a Powerful Stress Reliever

It’s no secret to readers that literature can relieve anxiety and stress. Studies show it can slow down a rapid heartbeat, a common sign of anxiety, and take a reader’s mind off racing thoughts. Taking time out of the hectic day to sit back and get lost in good literature does wonder for a stressed mind.

Reading Literature Improves Focus and Concentration 

If a person stumbles with a short attention span, reading can help enhance that function. The research found that the brain needs more time when reading than other media types. There’s less to work with – only words – so the brain works harder. The need for focus increases as a book becomes more challenging or complex. The more a reader engages with good literature, the more their focus increases.

Reading Literature Keeps the Brain Healthy and Active 

Reading’s effect on brain health shouldn’t be overlooked. The brain is a muscle, and by exercising it, a person keeps it healthy and active. Research indicates that regular mental stimulation can slow down degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Stretching the imagination and enhancing concentration are both forms of mental stimulation.

Literature Expands a Person’s Vocabulary

Unlike magazines or books for light reading, literature usually contains challenging vocabulary. Older books, in particular, might have terminology that’s unfamiliar to many readers. By engaging with literature by John Galsworthy, a person widens their knowledge of new words and terms. For those learning a new language, literature is one of the best ways to enhance their skills.

Literature Improves a Person’s Writing and Communication Skills

Good communication is vital in every area of life, whether it’s in a career or in relationships. When a reader improves their writing through reading, they enrich their overall communication skills. This expands beyond appealing writing into regular interactions and conversations. Exposure to literature at a young age allows people to develop strong communication skills immediately. Adults can enhance their abilities with more reading.

Literature Encourages Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is crucial for life. It allows people to work through problems and decide what’s true. Reading literature provides the ideal opportunity for building critical thinking skills. A reader has to choose details, make connections, and form their own opinions on what’s going on in the book. Teachers often use literature to help their students develop strong critical thinking. It helps them comprehend the material better and offers them tools to use in their future careers. A speech on happiness with positive and inspiring content elevates the soul for contributing to something greater than yourself.

Literature Teaches Readers About the History

They say if we don’t know about history, we’re doomed to repeat it. Through the lens of literature, a reader can uniquely engage with history. It’s much more enjoyable than studying a timeline or remembering facts. Even if the book is fictional and doesn’t focus on a particular event, a reader is exposed to perspectives from the time of the text’s creation. Literature from predictions in Macbeth identifies the depth of Shakespeare’s imaginative power that excels all boundaries to draw the best artistry in literature.

5 Helpful Tips For Hiring an Escort Service in Dhaka

When you are searching for an escort service in Dhaka, you will find hundreds of websites offering escort services. However, not all of these sites are reputed or deliver the quality of services desired by most high-end clients. Some websites even try to scam you off your hard-earned money by posing as a top escort company with premium call girls.

You must research carefully before choosing an escort company. And while the company’s website offers a lot of information on the types of escorts they have or the quality of services they provide, you must determine whether that information seems valuable and legit before hiring a call girl in Dhaka. Therefore, it is best to be careful when choosing the escort service or website you work with. Read on for top tips on the process.

Understand the Laws

Okay, escorting is legal. But paying for sex isn’t. It’s risky territory. For many people, hiring an escort is equivalent to hiring a prostitute, even if, technically speaking, the two industries are entirely different. However, it pays to know the law in your state. For instance, most places will advertise the time and not sex. Escorts may be reluctant to discuss anything about sex on the phone. Similarly, whether you go to the escort or the escort comes to you can have different legal rules. It pays to be up to speed on specific issues in your area before calling.

Find the Right Escort for You

Not all escorts or escort services deliver the same ‘packages’. Many will be pleased to do certain things but unwilling to serve others. That can be sexual or otherwise. There’s no point in seeing an escort who won’t be able to meet your needs.

Determine what you want and move accordingly. Often, all the information you need is on their website. Of course, if you’re unsure, then they might be able to assist you in figuring it out!

Decide On Your Budget

Escort services are often costly. Remember, it isn’t the same as prostitution. Many people want the company of an attractive and exciting person to spend time with, often in public. They may need their services for multiple days in a row. It isn’t all about sex!

The time and requirements of the job will all determine the money that’s charged. Of course, the longer you want to be with a Dhaka escort, the more money you’ll spend. Similarly, if sexual services are part of the deal, then specific acts will be worth more than others. It helps to know how much money you have to pay in the first place. This will decide what you can afford, with whom, and for how long.

Prioritize Communication

One of the crucial parts of the process of getting it right is effective communication. Approach the situation frankly and honestly. Contact the person or service and let them know your needs and requirements. Kindness and Politeness always go down well.

Remember, you want them to hang out with you too. The nicer you are, the more a call girl will want to be with you. Sure, you’re paying for their time, but that doesn’t give you the right to speak and act rudely to someone. 

Leave a Tip

Gifts and tips go down well. Remember, this is a service like any other. The call girl is solving a problem for you. Just as you go to a restaurant and tip for a delightful meal, take the same approach with the escort: tip them for the lovely time you have together.

Final Thoughts 

There you have it: an array of top tips for hiring the best escort service for the first time. However, paying for an escort is increasingly popular. For one reason or another, many people benefit from their services. It’s essential to understand and follow the tips. 

10 Amazing Features Of A Good Quality Women’s Button Down Pajama Set

Pajamas sets are a person’s go-to for comfort in the evenings. Finding the perfect pajamas that offer style and quality can become difficult. This article will help you know the features of the best women’s button-down pajama set on the market! So, please read below to learn more about them in brief.

Long Sleeves:

One of the most beneficial features of the button down pajama set is that it comes with long sleeves. This is the best to wear during those chilly evenings. Long-sleeved shirts and full-length pants are perfect pajama sets to wear during winter.

Soft Material:

The material of the button down pj set plays an important role in your comfort and relaxation. So look for pajamas that come with a soft material as they are way better and more comfortable than the stiff ones.

Button Front:

Another significant feature offered here is the button front. These shirts have buttons at the front to make them easy to put on and off. This feature is more convenient than a zipper-type as it opens at the front, making it easier to put on and take off.

Button Cuffs:

For those who are particular about the buttons on your pajama set, you can easily choose by looking for one with button cuffs. The quality of this type of shirt will not sacrifice style with its button-like cuffs, which can make your nightwear look classy and stylish.

V Neckline:

Another good feature of button down pajama sets is that it comes with a v neckline. This helps you show off your cleavage by wearing a fancy nightgown or gown and thus makes you look more attractive. The absence of this feature in pajamas will leave you feeling cold at night.


For those who love comfortable outfits while sleeping, this kind of shirt will be the best option. If your legs are too long, they might hang out of the pants a little bit and even feel uncomfortable when you are lying down on the bed. The thigh-length pajama set allows you to bend your knees without compromising comfort fully.

Comfy Appearance:

The appearance of the women’s button pajama set is another significant feature. You have to look at the details while buying one, and the best way to do so is to get hold of it from the store and try it on.

Matching Accessories:

You can go for a matching pair if you want your outfit to be complete. This way, you can get a complete sleeveless nightgown with a matching headband, armbands, and leg bands where all items match perfectly.


The last feature of the blue button down pajama set should not be missed out in any case as it comes with pockets which make it more convenient than other outfits. It also makes you feel secure wearing them, as you can carry your valuable belongings in the trunk.

Available in All sizes:

The best thing about this type of pajama set is that it comes in all sizes. This way, it can be easily found in any store or online shop. So, if you are looking for a set of pajamas that perfectly fit your body type, then purchase one from a suitable online store.

Factors To Consider While Buying Graphic T-Shirts For Men Online– An Expert Advisory

Let's Go Brandon Tee Conservative Anti Liberal US Flag T Shirt Men Clothing  Political Joke Tops|T-Shirts| - AliExpress

Finding the perfect t-shirt for you can be a little difficult, and you also need to consider certain factors to ensure that you find shirts of the best quality. Many people think men’s graphic tees are just meant for ladies and kids, but nowadays, there are loads of brands offering shirts made specifically for men. The graphic t shirts men come in a variety of styles and designs which cater to specific preferences such as sports, music, or movie references. Below we will describe some points that will help you get the best graphic t-shirt.

Check Online Reviews:

Learning from other people’s experiences is always good if you want to make the best buying decisions. However, be careful about reviews made by people who do not know the product. Always purchase things from websites that carry reviews from verified sources. Also, ensure that each review you find gives its opinion on the product and includes several pros and cons – this will help you get a good idea about the graphic tees men you want to purchase.

Check Quality of Material:

Graphic t-shirts are nothing but normal shirts with cool designs printed on them, but it is important to check the quality of the material used in printing. Many companies use substandard materials to print their designs which not only make the design fade quickly but also compromise the fit and feel of the t-shirt. Sometimes they even compromise on fabric type, which can cause skin irritation or discomfort while wearing.

Check Fit:

Always check for a good fit when buying printed tees for mens, as this will determine your shirt’s longevity. A wide-fit t-shirt feels good and comfortable when wearing, but you should be careful to check whether a shirt is made with a tight fit or loose fit. You should avoid wearing too tight or loose shirts because it might lead to sweating or chafing. A snug-fit t-shirt will stay in shape for longer, and you will have it for a longer time.

Check Comfort:

Comfort matters when you wear any item of clothing, and this holds for your graphic t-shirt. Comfort can be achieved through the stitching on the shirt – often, it is advisable to choose shirts with double stitching as they offer more security, thus making your shirt feel more comfortable. You should also check the material used in the conservative tshirts men as it can help you avoid irritation, chafing, and sweating.

Check the Design:

There are many graphic tees available in the market today, but if you really want to find a shirt that stands out from the crowd, consider purchasing something unique and stylish. For example, political t-shirts can be used to show your support for a candidate or cause. If you want to find something more creative and uncommon, then it is advisable to look at other creative shirts. For example, t-shirts with educational and motivational graphics and designs are well received by people who choose them for daily wear.

Discover the Reasons Why People Collect Sports Cards and Memorabilia

Collecting sports cards and memorabilia is supposed to be the most popular hobby in the world. Over the last century, the sports collectibles hobby has transformed from a childish pursuit into a multi-billion dollar international industry.

People collect sports cards and memorabilia for various reasons ranging from pure enjoyment to Wall Street. Here are some common reasons why people collect sports cards and memorabilia.

To Get Connected 

It is incredible how a tiny signature on sports trading cards makes you connected to that athletic star you admire. This is one reason why fans could not just get enough of autographed sports memorabilia. Another advantage of being a sports collector is meeting people of the same interest and passion. Before you realize it, you will find yourself in a network of novice and expert hobbyists who will help you learn more about the sports collectibles industry and help you enhance your collection. There is a pool of learning in interaction.

To Involve and Know the Sport Better 

More than knowing about the hobby, collecting sports memorabilia helps you be more involved in the sports itself. Many collectible sports cards do not only display images of your favorite athletes. Cards also bear facts about the athlete, technical information about the sport he plays, etc. A collector becomes a sports enthusiast.

To Earn Money / Invest 

The sports memorabilia market has become a big industry through the years. Investing in panini cards, baseball bats, hockey shirts, etc., is a feasible business endeavor. The online sports collectible auctions, sports forums, and online shops are evidence of the growing market.

To Show Support 

Most, if not all, collectors of sports collectibles are huge sports fans. Collecting is a way for a person to show support to a sports superstar or to the basketball, baseball, or football team a person idolizes. 

Collecting is a way for people to show their fan support. It is one of the few ways you can get emotional satisfaction from your favorite hobby without making any monetary investment.

To Learn About the Past 

A sports card, especially sports trading cards, is more than an iconic image of a well-known athlete today. Card collectors approach the hobby by learning about the history of its collectible sports cards and then start to go further into researching the history of the sport itself to become more knowledgeable and astute in sports history.

To Keep the Momentum 

Through memorabilia, football cards, photos, or those magazine clippings, you keep that nostalgic feel of the won championship, that record-breaking home run, or that legendary dunk. Sports memorabilia capture winning moments and immortalize them. 

Collectors not only have these souvenirs as a remembrance, but they also continually enhance their sports memorabilia collection for personal enjoyment.

To Make Sense of the Illogical 

This is why sports memorabilia collectors collect cards from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, etc. They want to make sense of the illogical events in sports history through memorabilia. Many cards of sports like basketball and memorabilia collectors keep collecting because they try to make sense of what happened in the past with their team or favorite athlete.

Discover the Reasons Why People Collect Sports Cards and Memorabilia

Collecting sports cards and memorabilia is supposed to be the most popular hobby in the world. Over the last century, the sports collectibles hobby has transformed from a childish pursuit into a multi-billion dollar international industry.

People collect sports cards and memorabilia for various reasons ranging from pure enjoyment to Wall Street. Here are some common reasons why people collect sports cards and memorabilia.

To Get Connected 

It is incredible how a tiny signature on sports trading cards makes you connected to that athletic star you admire. This is one reason why fans could not just get enough of autographed sports memorabilia. Another advantage of being a sports collector is meeting people of the same interest and passion. Before you realize it, you will find yourself in a network of novice and expert hobbyists who will help you learn more about the sports collectibles industry and help you enhance your collection. There is a pool of learning in interaction.

To Involve and Know the Sport Better 

More than knowing about the hobby, collecting sports memorabilia helps you be more involved in the sports itself. Many collectible sports cards do not only display images of your favorite athletes. Cards also bear facts about the athlete, technical information about the sport he plays, etc. A collector becomes a sports enthusiast.

To Earn Money / Invest 

The sports memorabilia market has become a big industry through the years. Investing in panini cards, baseball bats, hockey shirts, etc., is a feasible business endeavor. The online sports collectible auctions, sports forums, and online shops are evidence of the growing market.

To Show Support 

Most, if not all, collectors of sports collectibles are huge sports fans. Collecting is a way for a person to show support to a sports superstar or to the basketball, baseball, or football team a person idolizes. 

Collecting is a way for people to show their fan support. It is one of the few ways you can get emotional satisfaction from your favorite hobby without making any monetary investment.

To Learn About the Past 

A sports card, especially sports trading cards, is more than an iconic image of a well-known athlete today. Card collectors approach the hobby by learning about the history of its collectible sports cards and then start to go further into researching the history of the sport itself to become more knowledgeable and astute in sports history.

To Keep the Momentum 

Through memorabilia, football cards, photos, or those magazine clippings, you keep that nostalgic feel of the won championship, that record-breaking home run, or that legendary dunk. Sports memorabilia capture winning moments and immortalize them. 

Collectors not only have these souvenirs as a remembrance, but they also continually enhance their sports memorabilia collection for personal enjoyment.

To Make Sense of the Illogical 

This is why sports memorabilia collectors collect cards from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, etc. They want to make sense of the illogical events in sports history through memorabilia. Many cards of sports like basketball and memorabilia collectors keep collecting because they try to make sense of what happened in the past with their team or favorite athlete.

Beauty Basics: 8 Basic Makeup Essentials to Keep in Your Makeup Bag

If you are a beginner in the makeup world, you might have tons of questions regarding makeup, makeup kits, cosmetics, and more. However, since you are a novice, you will benefit from knowing about the basics. You will also need the novice makeup essentials to come to the rescue. In this article, we have curated a checklist of the best makeup essentials to get you started in the makeup game. You will learn the essentials from scratch. Keep scrolling to start your makeup journey.


Ladies, we can’t stress the significance of moisturizing your face enough before you go in with any makeup. It is the perfect base for your makeup. Not only does it hydrate your skin, but it also guards its moisture barrier. Find a product that works great for your skin type and use it religiously after cleansing and toning your face. It is even better to find one with SPF15 as it protects your skin from sun damage and hyperpigmentation. 


A face primer works like magic if you want your makeup to remain put through the day. It not only forms a smooth and flawless base but also makes foundation application much easier. So, if you’re dealing with problems like redness or large pores, your primer will take care of it all, giving you silky soft skin and reducing the appearance of pores. 


Your foundation is the key to getting flawless-looking skin. It’s also the hardest thing to get right regarding your makeup routine. Apply your foundation with a wet beauty sponge and mix it out well for a beautiful, flawless finish.


Concealer is one of the essential items in your makeup stash. It is basic. Whether you want to cover redness, blemishes, or dark under-eye circles – your concealer works like a charm. If you want to go comfortable with the makeup and feel like skipping foundation some days, you can just use your concealer with flawless sponge to spot-conceal and end up looking perfect and put together anyway. Generally, it is best to apply concealer after your foundation because if you do it the other way round, you’ll end up smudging it.


When applied correctly, blusher can instantly lift your face and give you that beautiful, youthful glow. It is best to select a color that compliments your skin tone. A color that is too bright for your skin tone looks fake and very loud. Pick a shade that subtly adds color to your face and sculpts your cheeks.


Eyeliner is an integral part of any makeup look. It could be an intricate cat-eye or a barely-there, natural look that involves just a wee bit of eyeliner. However, you must make space for both in your makeup bag. If you’re not skilled at using it, it’s best to begin with a pencil eyeliner before moving on to a liquid one. You can also try 3in1 Wingstamp Liner for the best results.


With its magical wand, a mascara can transform your eyes and immediately amp up those lashes with more volume, length, and definition. It is best to curl your lashes before applying mascara because twisting them afterward will break your lashes off and also get product all over your curler.


A good lipstick shade can help illuminate your face and prevent it from looking washed out. And when it comes to lip color, the choices are endless. If you are entirely new to lipstick, we suggest starting with less pigmented hues and slowly moving to boulder shades.

To all the makeup amateurs – makeup is meant to improve your natural beauty, not cover it up. You really only need a lot of essentials to play around with different looks. Just keep it simple and accurate.